Thursday, October 5, 2017

...burning both ends and lovely lights...

I’m sorry but how is it October? I swear that I blinked and nearly half of the fall semester is over. Thankfully because it has been a challenging one. Maybe even the most challenging semester since I started my job.

Plus, I have been fighting a cold or virus for nearly a month. With a compromised immune system, this is the norm for me. Others assume that since their bodies can fight a cold, everyone’s can. Nope, that isn’t my reality. My viruses linger; I’m allergic to many medications and have odd reactions to others; I take medication on a daily basis; and, I was born with one wonky kidney. I say all this because I’ve been saying it frequently in person. “Yes, I’m still sick.” “No, I don’t feel well again today.” Blah Blah Blah.

I should be working on a paper for my Public History course or doing my course reading. I should be giving feedback to student-papers. I should have sent that email stating that I am really not interested on working on editing that book because my priorities have changed and I’m feeling less scholarly.

Oy! Everything has been so hectic and busy. I came to this blog because I was at a time in my life where not feeling like others was starting to get to me, and I needed a place where I was part of the community. I found it and now we’re all busy being busy.

Edna St. Vincent Millay writes

My candle burns at both ends;
   It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
   It gives a lovely light!

I don’t know about you but I’m working on it. I’m working on slowing down. I’m working on being more authentic in my choices. I’m working on saying No when I really, really do not want to do something. I’m working on not worrying about what others think. I’m working on keeping in contact with friends, even though I feel like I have been really bad about this lately. I’m working on staying on top of reading your blog posts.  

The season is upon us; I’m really trying to enjoy the Halloween moments.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you have been sick but I'm happy to hear thar you are working on slowing down so you can enjoy life more! I'm on wedding planning countdown so that's a fun stress. :D

    And I love your t-shirt!

  2. Your shirt is adorable!

    I get it. This is an example of one of the lesser-known laws of physics. People in contact tend to stay in contact. People who are out of touch with others tend to stay that way. I am guilty of this recently, too. Let's both resolve to do better.
