April 27, 2018 was the most perfect Arbor Day! The
weather was amazing (finally!) and it was the perfect day to be in the

Although many visitors come to see the resting spots
of presidents or have an interest in Civil War history, Hollywood contains some
of the finest examples of native trees and historic roses in the Commonwealth.
There are over 2,000 trees in the cemetery today, of which some predate the
Trees are part of what makes Hollywood Cemetery so beautiful,
especially this time of year with all the native ornamental trees being in
bloom. Mr. Van Yahres is much more interested in Hardwoods, especially the
White Oak, which is his favorite tree. Yet, when asked if he had a least
favorite tree, he hesitated for a moment and was given suggestions by those on
the tour.
I learned about the tallest tree in the cemetery, a 142’
tall Bald Cypress that is in the “lake” area right down the hill from the bricked-in
plot of the Harvie family.
I learned that Mr. Van Yahres’ favorite tree, “because
of its shape and its size,” is the Black Gum, which is frequently considered
Virginia’s most beautiful native tree. This one was included in Remarkable
Trees of Virginia (2008). Mr. Van Yahres explained that Black Gums
typically have a single stem so this one is atypical. I have to say that I love
that his favorite tree is not one that seemingly follows the rules.

This was an excellent opportunity to learn more about
a place that I adore.
To learn more about Hollywood Cemetery’s trees, check
out their Notable Trees & Roses guide.