Thursday, August 12, 2021

...spell jars to reprogramming the spirit...

Re-programming your

mind, body & spirit

is like planting a garden,

if the soil isn't right

nothing will grow.

~Nikki Rowe



During the last full moon, the Buck Moon, as summer was at its peak was the time to consider all that has been making me anxious and blocking me from moving forward. I asked my life-long friend of 36 years and counting to come over during the full moon for us to make spell jars to help with all my feelings about the pandemic and returning to face-to-face work, which I absolutely do not want to do. During the last 515+ days, I have llllooooovvvveeeeeddddd staying home. I have felt safer and more connected than ever before. While I venture out to old cemeteries that are socially isolated from humans, and I walk miles away from our home for exercise and renewal, I do not encounter many people…and I prefer it that way. I think I would make a pretty good hermit actually. 

I don't usually stay up late so 11pm had me tired!
Growing up Catholic, I always enjoyed the routine of rituals. I like when prayers come with the tangible- the touch of rosary beads, the elegance of lighting incense, and the purification of anointed oils and Holy water, although I’m a bit of a germaphobe and have fake-dipped my fingers in the Holy water for decades. God knows and I haven’t been struck down yet. Seriously, sharing a goblet is gross and the last time I actually drank that wine, I’m pretty sure I saw some backwash although my father swears it was a wafer. He knows he’s just saying that to make himself feel better but he hasn’t taken communion since I’ve known him. He says it’s because he hasn’t gone to confession but during the pandemic even while my father and I are both vaccinated, he won’t even hug me. It didn’t hurt my feelings; it actually made me feel good—like father like daughter! I clearly get the heebie jeebies from him.



Anyway, so while the Buck moon approached, I needed a ritualistic let’s-contain-this-shit moment and spell jars seemed like the perfect approach. I didn’t want to buy one so I invited over Babushka (my best friend and I each call one another Babushka). We each researched and wrote out our spells, and we prepared the ingredients.  She also wanted to burn away some worries and I’m all about fire so we added that too.


I cannot say that all my worries are gone. I don’t think anything has the power to banish that but the ritual formed a connection and the spell jars are beautiful reminders that I need to make my inner-soil right if I plan to bloom



  1. Immensely lovely spell jars. Than you very much for sharing them, about your cherished friendship, and some of the things that are weighing heavily on your mind at present with us, dear heart.

    May the coming days and weeks be as low stress as possible for you - and soon lead to the inherent happiness and serenity of fall time.

    Autumn Zenith ๐Ÿงก Witchcrafted Life

  2. This a beautiful ritual you created. Thank you for sharing. I need to do something right now for me and mine. This seems perfect.

  3. I'd love to get back to some rituals with others when it is safe here. I have always been a germaphobe and it's possibly what kept me so safe through this!
