Saturday, October 31, 2015

...Work it, Halloween...

Yesterday was the annual Halloween party at work. It was one of our best parties ever. Several prospective students stopped by along with our majors and  faculty members from other departments.

On Thursday morning, our department’s graduate assistant, E. convinced me that we needed to decorate that morning so that we could enjoy the decorations a bit longer. I had purchased a ton of discounted decorations so it took us about three hours to transform the office. Everything turned out great.

the brain cake a colleague made!
One thing that I discovered when putting together the paper spiders…. Just a note that I actually bought some crafts that we had to put together… was how therapeutic it was to do crafts.  E. and I laughed that our spiders and bats were a bit wonky and that we wouldn't make good elementary school teachers but it was a lot of fun. In the end, everything turned out just great.  

Of course with federal laws, I can't exactly share pictures of the party publicly but here are a few pictures of the decorations and a shot of my costume. 


  1. OMG, that cake! It's disgusting and amazing all at the same time! Your outfit is wonderful. Crafts are indeed a blessing for an unquiet mind. :)

    1. I couldn't eat the cake. It just looked too... real.

  2. I don't even WANT to know what was in that cake, or how it was made... :-P Did anyone actually EAT some of it?????

    1. It was red velvet. It was eaten. One of my close colleague-friends said it was a little dry Bwa ha ha ha.

  3. Those little spiders are so cute! I want some! Love your pumpkin jacket! Did you buy that or did someone make it? I am jealous if you can actually buy stuff like that in stores where you live!

    1. The pumpkin jacket was part of an entire suit that I bought. Yep, sorry. Don't be too jealous ;)

      The spiders were my favorite. They took the most work but it was worth it.
