Sunday, March 1, 2015

...hopeless bulbs and perspective...

"Where flowers bloom so does hope"  ~Lady Bird Johnson

Eeek! It’s been one of those weeks… I simply had too much on my plate to write a thoughtful post. I have the habit of what my fella calls “piling”. I overextend myself and underestimate the time tasks will take. I’ve gotten much accomplished today even though I’m not feeling well. The sleet and freezing rain outside my window isn’t helping. BOO! Go away Winter!

I had an awful work week but I have no intentions of ranting about it here. Long story short… I made some risky health decisions putting work before Me. This led to an epiphany and some changes which never makes the masses happy. In the end, I’m still anxious but optimistic about some changes.

So here’s the metaphor… I have been trying to force bulbs since January. The growth doesn’t look much different now than a month ago.  The Snowdrops and Black Queen of the Night tulips sprouted but there haven’t been any blooms. This is the first time I’ve ordered bulbs via Etsy. I’m not exactly sure what I did wrong but one of the tulips (far left) is already starting to shrivel and die. I see these bulbs in my bathroom—they’re green. I nurture them as much as I can but at some point I have to realize that that is all they are going to do. Just like some of the tasks we’re sometimes given at work. We make choices. We do our best. Even when we’re doing everything we can, sometimes things don’t grow. I can only control myself; sometimes you just have to buy yourself some supermarket flowers and call it a day.

Yesterday was my 41st birthday. This girl ain’t shy about her age! Being 41 beats the alternative… and that’s often where I go. There are so many friends who didn’t make it; who just couldn’t live long enough; who simply didn’t bloom. I lift my glass to them and I try my best to live each and every day to the fullest.

Here’s a little blurry outfit post (y’all know I am never going to do an outfit post right… sigh :p ). My fella and I went out to dinner last night and this is what I looked like.


  1. I love that jacket and skirt! Can I just... borrow them? Lol!

    Yes, I do that too, push and push until I push myself too far! Remember you have to take care of yourself first! I am still working on that balance!

    1. See! A legitimate outfit post would include the brands :p Oy! This is the VELVET MOTO BLACK JACKET
      STYLE: 570124166 from White House Black Market. The skirt is actually a dress from Dress Barn a few years back.

      Yep, I had to reflect about that this week. I was putting everyone else's needs before my own.

  2. Good post, and good points. One of my favorite sayings is "No matter how good you are, no matter how hard you try... sometimes the dragon wins." And it's so true.

    BUT the bulbs aren't hopeless; you can try them again next year, they might surprise you!

  3. You look so pretty, I love that skirt! ^_^ decision making is sometimes so vexing. In Finnish culture it is (untill quite recently) not acceptable to give up. But you gotta know how to pick your battles, like with those bulbs. :)

  4. Happy birthday! I love the outfit. :)

  5. Happy Birthday for Saturday. When forcing bulbs they need a period of cold first, usually about 7 to 8 weeks, and then they can gradually be warmed up. But to stop them getting leggy keep in max light and not too hot. At a Nursery I worked at we used to force 20,000 Hyacinthus, we potted them and put them out overnight to cool, then in the morning buried them under 8” of sand and 6-12inch of straw, this had to be done by the 18th September. Then started bringing them in on 7th November under grow lights to be ready for Christmas.

  6. 1. Happy Birthday.
    2. Many of us are in the same situation ... underestimating what it truly takes to accomplish all the things in our head. An epiphany, or an ugly cry, can work wonders for clearing one's head and setting things back onto a healthier path.
    3. Sorry about the tulips. Easier, and better for instant gratification to get cut ones at the grocery store.

  7. Happy Birthday! And I might add (as the owner of a true black thumb which kills all living plants), I'm impressed that you got them to grow a little. It is still to early for them!

  8. Love your skirt!
    I'm also very done with winter now, I long to wear sandals.

  9. Happy birthday!
    And your outfit looks gorgeous!

  10. happy bday! and you look great! <3
