Saturday, February 7, 2015

...places, objects, and good-energy people speaking to me...

Yesterday, my Jewelry Magician/ Necromancer of Antique Jewelry/ the woman who puts a dent in my wallet posted a few pictures of the custom piece that she has been working on for me. It was finally ready for pick-up.  

The piece comes with a little history; well, actually it comes with a great deal of history. But first, my story… There I was not-so-innocently sorting through old broken pendants and brooches at Anthill Antiques with Kay’s assistant-in-crime last October. While I was pulling out the pieces of broken brooches and wondering about their past histories, I started putting the pieces into a pile so that Kay could work her magic and make these little guys new again. You see while I like a good macabre piece of jewelry, even more I like the unknown history behind each of the discarded pieces that Kay embraces. When did this pendant lose a stone? Who wore this brooch to a prom? How did this old thing find its way to Anthill Antiques? These are the questions that I think about because I believe that inanimate objects hold their own pasts. Just as nature holds energy, I believe that old objects have a bit of energy rubbed into them as well.

Speaking of energy…all week the weather has been awful. I have a bit of a congested head and my Meniere’s has been teaching me a valuable vertigo lesson :-/ But, I was excited about the necklace so I got myself together and headed to the antique store. 

While I was oohing and awing over the Kay Adams Jewelry piece (seriously, this isn’t a paid ad for her jewelry :p ) and how there were peppermint beads (I love Christmas!) scattered throughout the flowers and stars, I kept thinking about how much the necklace was the perfect Candlemas piece. There are blooms and light, and just the tiniest bits of Christmas holding on… just like me. (Last night we took down one of our Christmas trees; this morning, we took down another and packed away Christmas until December.) The store is always frequented by loyal Kay followers and while there today, I met Scarlett and Faith. They’re opening a “Transitions” business for women just like the former-Me who finds herself going through life changes such as divorce, new careers, etc. They talked a great deal about energy and even asked to touch my new necklace responding that it had very good energy. Even though I wasn’t feeling 100%, their energy impacted my energy. I was happy and spirited. Part of this was these two ladies and part of this was simply my connection to this place.
Summer 2014 in Hollywood Cemetery
This afternoon I have been reflecting upon how inanimate objects and places connect us all. I received a comment on my blog which then followed with an email exchange from a woman whose work I’ve admired for quite some time. I even used her research for a forthcoming guest blogger post that I’ve been working on. We’re both connected to Hollywood Cemetery in various ways. I love the roses and she KNOWS them intimately. Because of this, I can see some future endeavors in the future.

I guess this all leads to a quote:

Some places speak distinctly. Certain dank gardens cry aloud for a murder; certain old houses demand to be haunted; certain coasts are set apart for shipwrecks.         
~ Robert Louis Stevenson


  1. I love to wonder at the history of inanimate things. I like the idea that they carry echoes of the past, even have personalities!

    I want the hand thing, so cool!

    1. Echoes of the past-- exactly! Love the phrasing!

  2. As a wearer of vintage, a budding reenactor, and lover of history, I totally understand where you're coming from. Part of the reason why I study art history/history is because I'm always wondering who, what, where, and why. I was just at the Grolier Club and it tickled me to know end that my two guys, Drake ans DeVinne walked those halls. :)

    1. I become very nerdy when I find that I'm walking in the exact place where my peeps walked... I totally get that!

  3. Beautiful necklace, and I love that it has a secret history behind each piece. Similarly places - I was wandering about my old alma mater, Newcastle University, which is partly old redbrick construction, partly modern - and there's something quite ethereal about the older part. I keep meaning to go take pics (and of the woods where my shack is). I'm now off to have a nosey round the store :)
