Monday, September 22, 2014

... bringing in the light...

The weekend was emotionally productive while today was, I guess, academically? productive. I had a good day researching (finishing some edits to a review for the Washington Post; posting an interview with an adolescent literature author on my research blog; coding data- fun fun; and reading). I even dyed my hair during my lunch break. So alas, today is going well.

After the whirlwind of change last week, my weekend calmed with some orderly nesting in the now shared house. We organized our new cabinet for knickknacks which includes a nice collection of both of our pieces. He encouraged me to buy these amazing sheer curtains with bats (Target) which not only let a little light in (yeah, yeah I’m one of those goths) but also block out the peeping-Tom neighborhood children. It’s a nice compromise from closing the blinds altogether. My fella, you’re going to see a pattern here, also encouraged me to buy the Bath & Body Works ceramic Haunted House which I find adorable. One of his spirit animals is the owl and since so many of my haunted houses (don’t judge; a girl can have as many haunted houses as she likes) have bats, this is a nice change. They’re also all black so this one being white lets a little more light in.

Finally, we bought our first pumpkin pie of the season. Oy! He’s a dessert guy and while I’m usually a *salty* I can’t resist pumpkin pie. I also picked up some beautiful seasonal roses and a few dorky beverages… well, the wine is actually to chase the dorky beverage if it doesn’t turn out to be so tasty.

In other news, I already have one Halloween party on my calendar for early October! (Yay! Another couple who will spread out the Halloween festivities) and I have FOUR cemetery tours I’ll be giving, one to a group of middle school students on Halloween-eve! Yeah, they will be totally calm, I’m sure :p


  1. I want those curtains! I would love to visit your house, you seem to have so many interesting things, I am envious!

    1. Ah thanks! If you're ever in Virginia, let me know :)

  2. Pumpkin pie... *drools*
    I am so envious of all you accomplished in a day. If I dye my hair, I'm ecstatic. Hell, if I get a full shower and makeup on, I'm over the moon.

  3. I love those roses, they're beautiful! The curtains are great too! I was surprised they had them at Target, but I suppose it is coming up to Halloween!

    We don't seem to have a lot of pumpkin pie in Australia (I know, it's awful) I tried it for the first time a while back and it was delicious. Now I am hoping more places will have it near to Halloween, I am dying for some more!

  4. I need to go to Target IMMEDIATELY for those curtains.

  5. Must. Have. Bat. Curtains. AWESOME!!!

    BTW, I'm NOT a Target fan... but a goth's gotta do what a goth's gotta do. ;-)
