Monday, June 26, 2017

... a house in mourning...

Do you have that friend who always seemed perfect whom you thought if you could just be a wee bit cooler you would become her? That’s how I felt about my best friend from yesteryears. She seemed to have it all.

I was planning another post when I received the news that one of my dearest friends is losing her husband. This has been a complete surprise and I have no words. Without going into her private business, he had a massive heart attack and now her heart is breaking. Even when someone seems to have it all, it can be taken in mere moments.

I cannot recall exactly when we met…was it fourth grade? fifth grade? All through middle school she was the one I shared lockers with. In high school, she remained my very best friend. She, who had way more allowance and an only child, introduced me to all the music that I still love today. We were friends way before we were goth; we slowly went goth together even when our parents told us that we couldn’t.  

My friend is in a place of mourning. Her heart hurts. My heart hurts for her. Tonight, go hug your loved ones a little tighter.


  1. Awww I do feel sympathy for your friend but for you as well. I understand what its like to see a dear friend go through so much pain. *hugs* to you both

  2. So many prayers to Virginia and her kiddo and family! I am so sorry.

  3. Very sorry for her and your loss.
    Just popped by to say I'm back in the blogosphere.

  4. My condolences. Strength to both you and your friend and her family! <3

  5. I'm so sorry to read this. Prayers for your friend and all who hurt from this.
