Sunday, January 1, 2017

...a brighter night with bats, unicorns, and gardening...

“There are years that ask questions
and years that answer.”
~ Zora Neale Hurston
I’m really not a fan of years that end in six. 1996 was my first marriage- blah! In 2006 my sweet Doberman died! 2016 passes; Good riddance!

Since before Christmas Eve, I’ve been home sick with a bad cold. Before that, we’ve still been in mourning. There are plenty of topics that I could have written about but I just couldn’t open up. I wanted to be tucked away inside. We canceled Christmas visiting and determined to keep our holiday small and private. We had a really nice Christmas day even while I was sick.

We swear that's a bat on top of the cactus!
On the 29th, I read the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden blog post, “Racial Healing & Transformation” by Duron Chavis, the garden’s community engagement coordinator, and it filled my little black heart with hope. His post reminded me of Grace Arents, the benefactor whose front page obituary in 1926 ( <- see years ending in six can suck it!) could not possibly include all of the public institutions  (libraries, schools, churches, hospitals, etc.) she supported; the post also reminded me of how plants have the power to heal. My own personal journey as a gardener resonates with that.

Having read the post and realizing that I was actually feeling better, I decided that my fella and I needed a Christmas outing! If you’re read this blog for a while or if you know me, you know that my Christmas continues until Candlemas on February 2nd.

Who is that creeper hiding under the bridge?!?
I was so excited to get dressed and put on makeup that I was ready nearly an hour before dark. We headed for the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens GardenFest of Lights: Living Color event. As their Executive Director, Shane Tippett, writes in a November post, “In a world where it is sometimes hard to know what to do, this is something we can do: brighten the night.”

The event lifted our spirits.

Today is a fresh start, a clean slate! In Virginia, it has also been a super sunny day in the high 50s. I’m thrilled to report that I went for a 10K walk. It wasn’t intentional; I don’t have a list of resolutions. It’s just that today was the first day where I haven’t been sick and I haven’t had a swollen foot from October’s train fall. In fact, I even have a brand new toe nail if you must know ;)

Off I went to see how my tiny town had changed. I’m happy to report that it hasn’t changed so much that I didn’t recognize it. 

I also took some time to tidy up our kitchen windowsill. Not exactly gardening but it will have to do for now. I'm growing garlic; there's an air plant, some hens and chicks that I brought inside even though they are cold and drought hardy; and, there's the tiny cemetery terrarium.

We do not yet know what this year will bring. For now, it’s better to live in the present and appreciate today.

Happy Holidays!


  1. I love the last line of your post your right sometimes we just need to live and experience the moment. It's great to hear your feeling better. Any I wish you all the best for 2017.

  2. Sorrt for your loss. My beloved pet Pippin died on the 16th. It was hard but one day at a time. *hugs* Heres to a better year!

    1. Yeah, Sylvie, I read your post about Pippin. I'm so sorry.

      Here's to a great 2017! (And time to heal)

  3. Sometimes it's a struggle to keep ourselves centered in the present, with circumstances around us that are out of our control and bombarding us from all directions. It helps to do as you did, enjoy something pretty, take control of a small part of life, and BREATHE. In my case, I tend to go outside and dig a hole or plant something.

    Thank you for reminding me about the lights at Lewis Ginter. We went last night and loved it ... but I never saw the cactus.

    Your new toe nail is great news!

    1. I'm glad you all got to go. I actually bought you a little present from the gift shop but since it was the last one there you'll have no idea! It's like a Sharon-Connie gift!

      The cactus bat was in the kid's area, across the bridge and somewhat close to the fire put and the kid's garden area. There were small scenes of flowers, bees, and turtles near it. Not sure if that helps.

  4. I am so glad that you are feeling better! ^_^ Happy New Year!

  5. WAHOO for a new toenail!!! And a HUGE WAHOO for a well-deserved and well-needed outing. Here's to a brand New Year filled with love, gratitude, and peace.

    1. Thanks, Franny! Now... to paint or not to paint the toe nail ;) Just kidding, I think I'm just going to let me toes BE until spring.

      Happy New Year to you!

  6. Wishing you every health and happiness for 2017. Jx

  7. Best wishes in the New Year for health, new toenails, and happiness! I'm glad you got to go out and do something fun.

  8. Hooray for lifted spirits! :) Happy 2017!

    1. Thanks, Bane! Happy New Year! May your year be full of interesting projects that we will stalk-along with you ;)

  9. Sometimes a quiet Christmas is exactly what's needed. :)

    1. Thanks, Lynne. It really was exactly what we needed. Happy New Year!
